API summary

There are a few subsystems that make up gesundheit, but the majority of use cases will be covered by using the following properties of the main module:

gesundheit.{Select, SELECT, select}
Function for creating new SelectQuery instances.
gesundheit.{Update, UPDATE, update}
Function for creating new UpdateQuery instances.
gesundheit.{Delete, DELETE, delete}
Function for creating new DeleteQuery instances.
gesundheit.{Insert, INSERT, insert}
Function for creating new InsertQuery instances.
Function for creating new engines.
The engine that will be used for queries that aren’t explicitly bound. This is set to a no-op engine that you will want to replace with either an object returned by the gesundheit.engine function or by implementing the engine interface yourself.
Join types
Constant nodes for use with SUDQuery.join. ‘LEFT’, ‘RIGHT’, ‘INNER’, ‘LEFT_OUTER’, ‘RIGHT_OUTER’, ‘FULL_OUTER’ ‘NATURAL’, ‘CROSS’
AST helper functions

These come from the nodes module and are often useful when constructing complicated queries:

Convert any object to a parameter placeholder.
Convert various inputs to Relation nodes.
Create a binary comparison node manually. (e.g. for postgres’ custom operators).
Create SQL function calls (e.g. MAX(last_update))
Include raw SQL in a query, with parameter placeholders.

If you are implementing support for a different database engine or constructing particularly unusual SQL statements, you might also want to make use of these:

The nodes <Nodes> module.
The dialects <Dialects> module.