The factory functions defined here create instances of the corresponding *Query manager classes, which fit the following inheritance hierarchy:
- BaseQuery
- InsertQuery
- SUDQuery
- SelectQuery
- UpdateQuery
- DeleteQuery
These functions are the same ones re-exported by the main gesundheit module (where they bind queries to gesundheit.defaultEngine), and attached to engine/transaction objects (where they bind queries to the engine/transaction they are called on).
Each one accepts a table name or alias object (anything handled by toRelation), one or more extra parameters, and an optional visitor callback as a final parameter that will be called with it’s this context set to the newly constructed query instance.
Create a new InsertQuery that will add rows to table.
Parameters: |
The column names passed in fields will be printed into the query unescaped so do not use arbitrary input here. This is hopefully only temporary.
Create a new SelectQuery selecting from table.
Parameters: |
Create a new UpdateQuery that will update table.
Parameters: |
Create a new DeleteQuery that will delete rows from table.
Parameters: |
Add wrappers methods for each of the query factory functions to invocant using lower, UPPER, and Camel cases. The new methods will retrieve an engine using getEngine and then create the query bound to that engine.
If getEngine is not given, queries will be bound to invocant instead.
The base class for all queries. While this class itself is not part of gesundheits public API, the methods defined on it are.
Parameters: |
Instantiate a new query with a deep copy of this ones AST
Call the given function in the context of this query. This is useful with query factory functions where you can use it as a sort-of-DSL:
SELECT('people', ['name'], function(q) {
// this === q
this.join('addresses', {
on: {person_id: q.project('people', 'id')},
fields: ['city', 'region']
Bind this query object to a new engine. If no argument is given the query will be bound to the default engine.
Render the query to a SQL string.
Compile this query object, returning a SQL string and parameter array.
Execute the query using @engine and return a QueryAdapter.
Parameters: |
Insert a single row:
var insert = require('gesundheit').insert
insert('people', {name: 'Jerry'}).execute(function (err, result) {
// Handle err
Add multiple rows to a single insert:
var q = insert('people', ['name'])
q.execute(function (err, result) {
// Handle err
Insert queries are much simpler than most query types: they cannot join multiple tables.
Add multiple rows of data to the insert statement.
Add a single row
Insert from a select query.
SUDQuery is the base class for SELECT, UPDATE, and DELETE queries. It adds logic to BaseQuery for adding WHERE clauses, projecting columns, ordering, limits, and offsets.
Adds a WHERE clause to the query. This method accepts wide range of input that can express very complex constraints. The examples below assume we are starting with this simple select query: q = select('t1')
The first kind of constraint is a comparison node as produced by the ComparableMixin methods on projected fields:
# WHERE t1.field1 = 42 AND t1.field2 > 42
We used an implied table name above, which is always the last table added to the query or focused with SUDQuery.focus. If you want to specify constraints on multiple tables at once (or just be more explicit) you can also specify the relation for a field by prepending it to the field name (e.g. q.c('t1.field1'). See SUDQuery.project for details.
The second kind of constraint is an object literal where each key is a field name and each value is a constraint. The last example expressed as a literal object looks like this:
q.where({field1: 42, field2: {gt: 42}})
# WHERE t1.field1 = 42 AND t1.field2 > 42
Internally this constructs the comparison nodes for you using a simple transformation: each key is passed to project (meaning you can specify the relation name as part of the key if you so desire) and each value is either used as the argument to ComparableMixin.eq or (in the case of object literals) converted into one or more calls to the corresponding comparison methods.
To compare two fields, use a projection as the value to be compared:
p = q.project.bind(q, 't1')
q.where({field1: {gt: p('field2')}})
# WHERE t1.field1 > t1.field2
If you use either of the special keys 'and' or 'or' in an object, the value will be treated as a nested set of constraints to be joined with the corresponding SQL operator. This process is recursive so you can nest constraints arbitrarily deep:
q.where({or: {a: 1, and: {b: 2, c: 3}}})
# WHERE (t1.a = 1 OR (t1.b = 2 AND t1.c = 3))
You can also acheive the same effect by chaining method calls on comparison nodes:
a = q.c('a')
b = q.c('b')
c = q.c('c')
# WHERE (t1.a = 1 OR (t1.b = 2 AND t1.c = 3))
If you have the need to mix both styles (or simply find it more readable, You can use an array of constraints as the value for 'or' or 'and':
q.where({or: [{a: 1}, b.eq(2).and(c.eq(3))]})
Note that currently you cannot pass an object literal to the .and and .or methods:
# Will not work!!
q.where(a.eq(1).or({b: 2, c: 3}))
Finally, there are also shortcut methods SUDQuery.and and SUDQuery.or that treat multiple arguments like an array of constraints.
Shortcut for .where({or: clauses})
Shortcut for .where({and: clauses})
Add one or more ORDER BY clauses to the query.
Each ordering can either be a string, in which case it must be a valid-ish SQL snippet like ‘some_table.some_field DESC’, (the field name and direction will still be converted to AST nodes) or an object, in which case each key will be treated as a field and each value as a direction.
Set the LIMIT on this query
Set the OFFSET of this query
Backwards compatible alias for SUDQuery.column
Return a Column node representing <relation>.<field>.
The first argument is optional and specifies a table or alias name referring to a relation already joined to this query. If you don’t specify a relation, the table added or focused last will be used. Alternatively, you can specify the relation name and field with a single dot-separated string:
q.column('') == q.column('departments', 'name')
The returned object has a methods from ComparableMixin that create new comparison nodes usable in join conditions and where clauses:
# Find developers over the age of 45
s = select('people', ['name'])
s.join('departments', on: {id: s.column('people', 'department_id')})
s.where(s.column('departments', 'name').eq('development'))
s.where(s.column('people', 'age').gte(45))
project is also aliased as p for those who value brevity:
this means you must specify a relation name if you have a field name with a dot in it, if you have dots in your column names, sorry.
A shorthand way to get a relation by (alias) name
Start a select query with SELECT:
var select = require('gesundheit').select
var lightRecliners = select('chairs', ['chair_type', 'size'])
.where({chair_type: 'recliner', weight: {lt: 25}})
Join another table with SelectQuery.join:
var malesWithLightRecliners = lightRecliners.copy()
.join("people", {
on: {chair_id: light_recliners.column('')},
fields: ['name']
.where({sex: 'M'})
Note that joining a table “focuses” it, so .where({sex: 'M'}) refers to the column. You can avoid this implicit behaviour by using full column names (e.g. '') or switching focus back to a previous table using SelectQuery.focus:
Lets order the results by chairs.weight and get the top 5:
.order(weight: 'ASC)
The entire query can also be written without needing a temp variable by using the third parameter to select (a callback function that will be passed to BaseQuery.visit):
men_with_light_recliners = select 'chairs', ['chair_type', 'size'], function (q) {
q.where({chair_type: 'recliner', weight: {lt: 25}})
q.join("people", {
on: {chair_id: q.column('')},
fields: ['name']
q.where({gender: 'M'})
q.order({'chairs.weight': 'ASC'})
Adds a number of SELECT-specific methods to SUDQuery, such as fields and groupBy
Adds one or more fields to the query. Fields can be strings (in which case they will be passed to SUDQuery.column) or pre- constructed nodes. (Such as those returned by column).
If no fields are given, clears all fields from the currently focused table.
To alias a field, use an object with a single key where the key is the alias name and the value is a string or node:
q.fields({employee_name: ''})
Adds a SQL function to the column list for the query. This can be an aggregate function if you also use groupBy.
Parameters: |
# SELECT count(id) FROM t1
select('t1', function (q) { q.func('count', q.c('id')) })
# SELECT count(id) AS "counter" FROM t1
select('t1', function (q) { q.func({counter: 'count'}, q.c('id')) })
Make this query DISTINCT on all fields.
Join another table to the query.
Parameters: |
The same as join, but will only join tbl if it is not joined already.
Make a different table “focused”, this will use that table as the default for the fields, order and where methods.
Parameters: |
Add a GROUP BY to the query.
This method works similarly to SUDQuery.where, but the constraints are added the HAVING portion of a SQL clause.
Updating rows that match a condition:
update('tweeters') # UPDATE tweeters
.set({influential: true}) # SET tweeters.influential = true
.where({followers: {gt: 1000}}) # WHERE tweeters.followers > 1000;
.execute(function (err, res) { /* ... */ })
The update query is a little underpowered right now, and can only handle simple updates of a single table.
Add fields to the SET portion of this query.
Parameters: |
Directly push one or more nodes into the SET portion of this query